The Mother You Know Contest
Do you know an amazing woman who deserves to be celebrated? Nominate a mother you know or yourself today here:!
Time to Have a Conversation
Be sure to tune into the conversation with the Women of Colors President and Vice President regarding Health Matters: Mind, Body, and Soul. We will be joined by Dr. Kai Anderson M.D., and Dr. Pamela Ross McClain, Ph.D.
Women of Colors Featured in WORD UP Magazine
Women of Colors is featured in the March “Women’s History Month” issue of WORD UP Community Magazine. The magazine highlights all of our members as part of their “Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories” theme. Click here to read the full magazine.
The Family Car
Announcing the original screenplay ‘THE FAMILY CAR: Seeing, Hearing, and Unpacking Mental Health in the Black Community’, written by Glecia Wright Tatum with co-writer Twannie Gray and Ariel Pompey